1,5 MB - 1,6 MB
CorePlayer Platform
Version 1.2.4 build 4204 (4187 for Symbian) (20080509):
- FIX: YouTube seeking issues
- FIX: YouTube navigation on small screens
- FIX: Busy indicator on Palm and Symbian
- FIX: Revision3 RSS reading (watch out for the huge bandwidth needs)
- FIX: Keyframe issue on some rare AVC streams
- FIX: OS X: fix some display issues
- FIX: OS X: Conversion of some UTF16 strings
- FIX: Symbian: TCP/UDP connections are less blocking and more stable
- FIX: Symbian: Audio handling is more robust
- FIX: Symbian: UIQ3 backlight issues
- FIX: Symbian: Possible crash when playing MP3 and AVC
- FIX: Win32: File association on Vista
- ADD: FLV playback support (no VP6)
- ADD: F4V file extension
- ADD: Get the duration from RSS feeds
- ADD: Option to keep the screen on when playing audio files (too)
- ADD: Reading cover art from Zune folders
- ADD: Symbian: Keep the preferred access point in the preferences
- ADD: Symbian: Show the currently selected item in enums
Cap File (size: 1,52 MB)
exe File Multilanguage (size:1,62MB)